When the world is threatened by a malevolent darkness a
warrior rises, fearless and ready to run into the thick of battle. His
confidence is steeled by his mystical ability to transform at-will into
noble creatures including a rampaging
capable of spearing enemies on his horn, a mighty eagle that can soar
over deadly hazards, and a fearsome dragon able to vanquish all who
stand in it's path.
As he runs, the warrior breathes new life into the world and puts new
stars in the sky. Knowing when to transform between shapes - man,
bird, and beast - is key to success in this action-packed endless
Totem Runner’s unique looks are matched by its compelling gameplay and
immersive story. Take up the challenge and become the warrior within.
Transform into beasts, dragons and back to a warrior as you
charge through the world defeating evil!
The unique ‘silhouette’ style, haunting music and awesome animation immerses you into the mystical world of Totem Runner.
Run, fly and rampage through five chapters of compelling gameplay.
Become a Sorcerer, the Lord of Stars, or even the Great Shadow by completing in-game challenges.
Requires Android: 2.3 and up
All Apps and Games Just for preview, If You Like
Totem Runner v1.0.1 APK Please Buy The Original Apps and Games on
Google Play Url for Support Developers. Thank for reading
https://apk-angel.blogspot.com/2013/09/totem-runner-v101-apk.html, and Thank For Visit
Apk Angel.